• Last visit: 2 months ago
  • Member since: 30 September 2015
  • Profile views: 9 176
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DG submitted a new recipe:
Gluten Free Sable Biscuits
Cream butter and sugar Add dry ingredients Roll out to 2mm thick between 2 parchment sheets Freeze in sheets Cut to shape while frozen Bake on an air mat straight away
2 December 2020, 14:12
DG submitted a new recipe:
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Boil dates, cool down and blitz Cream butter and sugar Add dry ingredients Add blitzed dates Pipe in to ready moulds or muffin cases Bake at 180C for 20 min Cool down, cover, label,...
1 December 2020, 15:12
DG submitted a new recipe:
Brownie Gluten Free with Pistachios and Chocolate Chips
Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla to ribbon stage Add melted chocolate with butter Fold in flour followed by chocolate drops and pistachios Divide in to three full size gastro trays Bake at 160C for 30 min...
1 December 2020, 14:12
DG submitted a new recipe:
21 January 2020, 11:01
DG submitted a new recipe:
Dulce de Leche Espuma
Cook everything except cream 2 like sauce creme anglaise Blitz in cream 2. Siphon and refrigerate over night before use
12 November 2019, 22:11
DG submitted a new recipe:
Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
Whip sugar and butter Add egg yolks one by one Add melted chocolate Next ground almond Last add whipped egg whites Bake covered with foil at 170C   SPA
8 October 2019, 11:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
Mint Sponge Sheets
Whip eggs and sugar Add oil, mint and milk, incorporate Fold in flour Bake at 170C 5-10min
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
8 October 2019, 10:10
DG submitted a new recipe:
Crispy Tuiles
Combine all and beat for a couple of minutes. Refrigerate Used for Strawberry Vacherin here
1 July 2019, 10:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
Strawberry Vacherin
    Pastry Cream Compressed Strawberries Basil Sorbet Strawberry Espuma Tuile crisps with caramel Bee polen Micro Basil
1 July 2019, 10:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
Strawberry Espuma
Used for Strawberry Vacherin here
1 July 2019, 10:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
Compressed Strawberries
Syrup: Used for Strawberry Vacherin here
1 July 2019, 10:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
Pastry Cream
Combine eggs, corn flour leave on the side Bring to boil milk, sugar, butter and vanilla and temper eggs mix Back to the pot and on the heat keep stirring until see first couple...
1 July 2019, 10:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
1 July 2019, 09:07
DG submitted a new recipe:
Choux Pastry
nozzle 1cm pipe long lines on trays with parchment paper freeze Cut in to 10 cm length Put Chocolate Craquelin on top Unsalted butter 1kg Brown sugar 1.4kg Cocoa Powder 200gr Plain flour 1.2kg   Bake at 175c for 25...
1 July 2019, 09:07
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