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  • Member since: 30 September 2015
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Mix sugar, oil, buttermilk, eggs, vanilla Combine flour, cocoa powder. Mix in to the wet Combine soda with vinegar, add in to…
1 Mar 201917409 viewsBuffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings
Combine wine, sugar, zest of lemon, vanilla, cinnamon in a large stock pot Clean pears and bleach with lemon juice Add pears…
1 Mar 2019960 viewsBuffet, Vegan
Soak dates for 10 min in hot water and drain Transfer to food processor and blitz with pecans, 200 gr coconut oil…
1 Mar 20191409 viewsBuffet, Vegan
Bring to boil puree and water Add 400 gr sugar and bring to boil again Mix 100 gr sugar with pectin Pour…
1 Mar 20191113 viewsBuffet, Ingredients, Vegan
Blitz crust ingredients Line in the tins/trays Bake at 180C for 20min  Blitz dry dates until ball is formed Add coconut cream…
28 Feb 20193771 viewsBuffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Vegan
Melt all Mix in nut butter Combine with nuts and fruits
28 Feb 20191106 viewsPetit fours & Truffles, Vegan
Combine dry Make buttermilk Blend bananas, buttermilk, oil and pour over the dry Add soaked flaxseeds Make creamy pastry Bake at 180C…
27 Feb 2019910 viewsBuffet, Vegan
Make savory dough Line in tart tins Refrigerate for 30 min Bake with rice for 10-15min at 190C Pour in filling and…
27 Feb 20192941 viewsPastries, Sweet pastries, Tarts
Mix coconut, flour, salt, syrup and oil until sticky dough Form tart cases in tins and bake 12-15min at 170C Cook filling…
27 Feb 20196790 viewsBuffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Vegan
Mix dry ingredients Combine lemon juice and milk, add soda Blitz bananas with lemon juice, milk, soda and coconut oil Combine flax…
27 Feb 2019941 viewsBuffet, Pastries, Vegan
Combine peanut butter, oats, 20 dates and 250 gr coconut oil, blitz with robot coupe Line as a crust/base, refrigerate Combine 1.750kg…
26 Feb 2019964 viewsPetit fours & Truffles, Vegan
Combine Bake at 170 for 10-15 min Cool down Pulse with robot coupe
26 Feb 20191973 viewsBiscuits & Shortbreads, Ingredients
Mix egg yolks, sugar and 200 gr of milk and custard powder Bring 2 ltr of milk to boil. pour over egg…
26 Feb 20195005 viewsCreams
26 Feb 20191694 viewsJellies & set desserts
Syrup to make 1 large frame of opera cake. Bring to boil sugar and syrup Remove from the heat, add brandy and…
26 Feb 20197554 viewsAfternoon teas, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Ingredients
Makes 1 large frame Bring cream and butter to the boil. Cool down to 80c Pour over chocolate Blitz Use while runny…
26 Feb 20194001 viewsA La Carte, Afternoon teas, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Ingredients
Makes 1 large frame   Make sabayon with yolks and sugar Add butter in three stages,   Make sure sabayon still hot…
26 Feb 20193091 viewsA La Carte, Afternoon teas, Buffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Creams, Ingredients
Recipe for 1 large frame and makes 2 large sheets Whip up eggs almonds and icing sugar Fold in flour and melted…
26 Feb 20191990 viewsAfternoon teas, Buffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Ingredients
Makes 1 large frame   Joconde biscuit sponge recipe here Coffee butter cream recipe here Chocolate genache recipe here Chocolate and water…
26 Feb 20191165 viewsAfternoon teas, Buffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings
Makes one large frame
13 Feb 20191060 viewsBuffet, Ingredients
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