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Heat puree with soaked gelatin Whip it up Make meringue with sugar and egg whites Fold in in to whipped strawberries Fold…
11 Jun 20191423 viewsA La Carte, Mousses
Use apple trimming after making caramelised apples in jelly here Roast apple trimmings until dark brown in the oven on the gastro…
29 May 20199995 viewsA La Carte, Garnishes, Ingredients
Clean apples Scoop small apple balls Make caramel from wet Add apples and cook until tender Add soaked gelatin Use silicone moulds…
29 May 2019885 viewsA La Carte, Fruits, Garnishes, Ingredients
Make caramel Melt in butter Mix in hot nuts Cool down Crush Store air tight
29 May 2019957 viewsIngredients
Start cooking sugar on high Start whipping whites with cream of tartar on speed 2. Pour sugar slowly and steady. Switch to…
29 May 20195048 viewsA La Carte, Buffet, Ingredients
Combine all cold in sauce pan Bring to boil while stirring Cool down contact covered Transfer in to piping bag, seal and…
29 May 20192445 viewsA La Carte, Ingredients
Combine all except filling. Mix – 2min at speed 3 1min at speed 7 5sec on high Folding method to incorporate filling…
29 May 20191120 viewsA La Carte, Gluten free
Rhubarb Textures – Vegan
  Meringue Espuma Gel Poached Sorbet Crisp  
14 May 20192909 viewsA La Carte, Dairy free, Gluten free, Vegan
Blitz Spread on mats/trays Dehydrate over night at 57C Store in an air tight containers Used for this vegan rhubarb dessert
14 May 20191061 viewsA La Carte, Crisps & Tuiles, Gluten free, Ingredients
Just simply freeze in paco jet containers and blitz before service   Used for this vegan rhubarb dessert
14 May 20191443 viewsA La Carte, Ices, Ingredients, Sorbets, Vegan
Sous vide at 62C for 45 min Once cooked remove to ice cold water bath Used for this vegan rhubarb dessert
14 May 20191415 viewsA La Carte, Fruits, Ingredients, Vegan
Combine in sauce pan Cook Set Blitz Used for this vegan rhubarb dessert
14 May 20191538 viewsA La Carte, Ingredients, Sauces, Purees & Gels, Vegan
Blitz with hand blender all except sugar Start whipping Add sifted icing sugar in three stages Pipe, dehydrate at 57C over night…
14 May 20191431 viewsA La Carte, Ingredients, Meringues, Vegan
Combine all together and blitz Pass in to Espuma gun Charge 3 – 4 times Used for this vegan rhubarb dessert
14 May 20192022 viewsA La Carte, Ingredients, Vegan
Cook Blitz Pass Freeze in paco jet containers Used for Hot Chocolate Fondant
14 May 20196319 viewsA La Carte, Ices, Sorbets
Make light caramel from wet with sugar and glucose Remove from heat Mix in soda Pour over silicone mat Cool down, blitz…
14 May 2019914 viewsA La Carte, Ingredients
Blueberry Souffle
Use folding method   Meringue for Blueberry Soufflé – recipe above Vanilla sauce creme anglaise Vanilla Ice-cream Honey Comb Caramel Sauce used…
14 May 20192221 viewsA La Carte, Gluten free, Souffles
Well mix all Let it sit at room temp for 1h Remix and refrigerate over night Portion in to glasses and garnish…
1 Mar 20194814 viewsBuffet, Cakes, Pies & Puddings, Vegan
Blitz all, add agar agar Bring to boil Set in glasses Garnish  with mango cubes
1 Mar 2019961 viewsBuffet, Vegan
Make light caramel with 2250 gr sugar and 800 gr water Pour on the bottom of your selected ramekins Blitz together milk,…
1 Mar 20192508 viewsBuffet, Creams
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