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Use large mixing bowl Add dry ingredients and eggs,  mix until combined. not longer then 1-2min Dissolve yeast in water and to…
4 Oct 20152411 viewsBreads, K-Breads, P-Breads
Mix dry ingredients Add chopped/cubed cold butter Start crumbling until almost can’t see butter In a separate bowl mix the rest of ingredients Pour…
2 Oct 20153666 viewsK-Scones, Kingsley Recipes, P-Scones, Park Recipes, Scones
Brown bread
  Pour buttermilk to the mixing bowl Mix dry ingredients together and pour over buttermilk Mix until well combined (should take up…
2 Oct 20152191 viewsBreads, K-Breads, Kingsley Recipes
White Bread with Red Cheddar
Knead/mix 7-10min Sprinkle grated cheese Prove covered 45 – 60 min Knock back Divide 550gr Shape Prove Bake white bread 50min, 50%heat/50%steam…
1 Oct 20154085 viewsBreads, K-Breads, Kingsley Recipes, P-Breads, Park Recipes
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