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Coconut and Dark Chocolate Truffles


Zephyr Caramel or Milk Chocolate
1 kg
Coconut puree
400 gr
Fresh cream
260 gr
ground coconut
120 gr
Inverted sugar/trimoline
100 gr
Vanilla extract
1 tsp
8 gr
Dark/Milk truffle shells
4 trays
Milk chocolate
For coating
Ground Coconut
for rolling

Preparation mode:

  1. Combine puree, cream, coconut, sugar, salt and vanilla and bring to boil
  2. Cool down to 70 C
  3. Pour over chocolate and make genache. Blitz with hand blender if needed
  4. Transfer to piping bag and fill up dark or milk truffle shells
  5. Refrigerate
  6. Cover in melted milk chocolate
  7. Roll in to toasted ground coconut
  8. Store in air tight container in fridge