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Caramel Cream Pie – Vegan


Rolled Oats
1.2 kg
Raw Cashews
700 gr
Caster sugar
500 gr
Vegan butter/coconut oil
1.2 kg
3.5 kg
Coconut cream
4 kg
Coconut Cream for topping
4 kg
Icing sugar for topping
400 gr
Cocoa powder or grated dark chocolate
for topping

Preparation mode:

  1. Blitz crust ingredients
  2. Line in the tins/trays
  3. Bake at 180C for 20min
  4.  Blitz dry dates until ball is formed
  5. Add coconut cream in stages
  6. line on the crust
  7. Top with the whipped and sweet coconut cream
  8. Garnish with the chocolate or cocoa powder